The Japan-America Society of Greater Tokyo ( JASG ) is a 501(c)(3)} non-profit organization that promotes mutual understanding between the United States and Japan through programs in culture, customs, education, commerce, and politics.

The Japan-America Society of Georgia works to make Georgia the best place in North America for Japanese people to live and visit, and to make Georgia the most cosmopolitan state in North America.

The Japan-America Society of Georgia ( JASG ) is a 501(c)(3)} non-profit organization whose mission is to promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and Georgia. In cooperation with international agencies and organizations, we work daily to deepen understanding of international culture and international business in Georgia. It plays a major role as a conduit between Japanese and local Georgians, between Georgia businesses and Japanese businesses, and between Japanese and American families of Japanese descent in Georgia.

The Japan-America Society provides a variety of services to help expatriates and their families determine what they need and want in Georgia. We also continue to send the message that global business and tourism are important to Georgia's future, and that understanding the culture and business practices of Japan, of which we are a part, is critical to Georgia's growth.

The Japan-America Society offers a wide variety of resources, programs, and events that are enlightening and interesting to organizations and businesses interested in Japan and the United States. The Japan-America Society not only promotes the history, culture, customs, and business of Japan and the United States, but also helps to sustain long-lasting friendships and professional relationships on a personal level.

The Japan-America Society of Georgia
JASG ジョージア日米協会

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