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Moving Atlanta Forward Newsletter - Office of Mayor Andre Dickens

** Note From The Mayor

November 2024

Click the image to watch Mayor Andre Dickens’ Thanksgiving message.

Happy Thanksgiving, Atlanta!

As you’re preparing meals, setting the table, and spending time with family, I hope your holiday is filled with love, laughter, and memories. This is the season to express gratitude, and I am personally grateful for you.

Every day, I have the privilege of being your Mayor and that is something I don’t take lightly. I strive to make Atlanta “A City of Opportunity of All,” where all Atlantans can share in its growth and prosperity. Yet, I realize sometimes it feels like Atlanta is growing so rapidly that we are leaving people behind. The mother working two jobs, the senior with countless medical bills, the small business owner with too many employees – all who are facing more month than money. I am fighting for them. My administration is working with those individuals and families in mind. We are investing in our young people, caring for the most vulnerable and creating opportunities for all to advance. We are also addressing neighborhoods with food deserts and food insecurity because everyone deserves fresh, quality food on their table for the Thanksgiving holiday and every other day.

This holiday, I distributed a week’s worth of food to 2,000 meals with C.H.O.I.C.E.S and Amazon at Atlanta Technical College, hundreds of turkeys at our own MLK Recreation Center in the Old 4th Ward and thousands with T.I. and District 10 Councilmember Andrea Boone at Jackson Memorial Baptist Church.

Together, we are creating a stronger, more connected community that genuinely cares about the well-being of their neighbors. Together, we are moving Atlanta forward.

We’re here if you need someone.

The holiday season is joyful for many, but it can also be very challenging for some. If you're feeling overwhelmed, remember you’re not alone. Help is available—just call or text 988 to reach trained counselors who are ready to listen and support or visit www.silencetheshame.com to learn more.

Organizations like Silence the Shame, founded here in Atlanta, are breaking the stigma around mental health, and helping people of all backgrounds access the care and support they deserve.

In Atlanta, we believe in lifting each other up—during the holidays and every day. Let’s take care of ourselves and one another.

** What’s going on in Atlanta?

Beltline Opens Northeast Trail Segment One

Atlanta influences everything and the Beltline has become one of the most influential transportation projects in nation. This month, we officially opened segment one of the Northeast Trail – bringing us closer to completing the entire 22-mile loop. This transformative project continues to connect our neighborhoods and enhance our way of life. By the end of 2024, 85% of the 22-mile loop will be completed or under construction. Temperatures are dropping but grab your coat and head to the Beltline.

McAuley Station Celebrates its Grand Opening

Mayor Dickens joined Pennrose, Mercy Care, and other project partners to celebrate the grand opening of McAuley Station Phase I. This $50M development is delivering 170 high-quality, mixed-income apartments adjacent to the Mercy Care Campus in the historic Sweet Auburn neighborhood. Among the total units, 10 are designated as transitional units for Mercy Care patients and 30 studios will serve permanent supportive housing through Fulton County’s Behavioral Health Department in partnership with Partners for HOME. McAuley Station is giving our residents hope, opportunity, and a way forward.

MARTA Unveils Bus to Honor Ambassador Young

Legacy. To pay homage to the titans of the Civil Rights Movement, MARTA created an inspiring series of buses to reflect and celebrate its history, courage, resilience, and hope. Individuals like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Coretta Scott King, Congressman John Lewis, Juanita Jones Abernathy, Rev. Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, and Evelyn Gibson Lowery have already been honored. This month, Mayor Dickens and former Atlanta Mayors (Honorable William Campbell, Shirley Franklin, Kasim Reed, Keisha Lance Bottoms) gathered to recognize Ambassador Andrew Young, the last and only living honoree whose life’s work is woven into the fabric of our city. This bus, with images of Ambassador Young on its sides, will serve as a beacon of inspiration for people throughout our communities, especially our children. His image will remind them of the greatness and brilliance that lingers within them.

Photograph by RoughDraft ATL, Collin Kelley (https://roughdraftatlanta.com/author/collinkelley/)

The Peach Drop is back!

Whether you grew up in Atlanta or flew to Atlanta, you should be familiar with our city’s New Year’s Eve celebration, the Peach Drop. Despite being cancelled in recent years, the Peach Drop is back and returning to Underground Atlanta. Attracting nearly 50,000 people, the Peach Drop will feature live entertainment, fireworks, food, and art throughout the event. And of course, we will lower the infamous giant peach to count down to the new year.

Additional information will be provided soon but until then, make plans to bring in 2025 with us.

** ATL Social Conversations

** #NPUAppreciation

To culminate the 50th anniversary and acknowledge their commitment to Atlanta, the Department of City Planning gathered the Chairs from each Neighborhood Planning Unit for an appreciation dinner. These leaders are the backbone of our Atlanta’s neighborhoods. They play a vital role in amplifying the voices of our residents and guiding our city’s future. We appreciate our NPU leaders!


Nourish + Bloom Market is the first city-supported, AI-powered grocery store. Located in the Cascade area, the market supports local farms and small businesses while addressing food insecurity in innovative ways. Congratulations to its founders Jilea and Jamie Hemmings on this incredible milestone!


Days before observing Veterans Day, the City hosted a career fair exclusively aimed at reaching veterans and dedicated time to honor the service of the veterans already employed by the City. Those who have served our country deserve access to opportunities to continue their service in civilian roles. If you are a veteran seeking employment, apply with the City of Atlanta.


SCAD is known for its innovation and pushing the boundaries across multiple industries. And this time, they tried their hands in government. After a visit, Mayor Dickens challenged the students at SCAD Atlanta to develop grocery store concept plans for the vacant Olympia Building at 25 Peachtree – and they delivered two design and branding concepts. Which concept will be implemented? Only time will tell.
Atlanta city skyline with skyscrapers and trees

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  • [登録者]City of Atlanta
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Atlanta, GA
  • 登録日 : 2024/11/27
  • 掲載日 : 2024/11/27
  • 変更日 : 2024/11/27
  • 総閲覧数 : 107 人
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