在此页面上,您将找到常见问题列表。请点击每个问题以查看显示的答案。 如果您在使用微微导航时遇到任何问题或疑问,请在此先确认一下、如果没有适用的问题或答案, 请联系客户支持中心。
- 关于用户登录
Please re-send user registration email.
Why should I log-in as user?
When I attempt User Registration, an error says that this email address has been already registered.
I would like to delete my user account.
How can I activate my account?
I cannot log-in to my account.
I'm automatically logged-in when I access Vivinavi. How can I delete my history?
I forgot log-in password.
How to keep me logged-in?
Can I make post without user registration?
- 关于用户面板
What is Seed?
What is User Panel?
How can I select language, time zone, currency, and so on?
What is Fan?
What are Contents for Fan?
How can I block a user?
What is Map Setting?
What file types are supported by Vivinavi?
I would like to change my username.
What is the differences between Resume and Application Package?
- 关于转发邮件
- 关于发布内容
I would like to change or delete my post/comment.
When will my post be published?
How can I mark "SOLD OUT"?
Though I changed my email address, I'm still receiving emails at the previous email address.
My post was made pending. When will it be published?
Though I entered a correct password, I still cannot change my post.
I cannot delete a topic on Discussion Board.
I would like to Report Violation on a post/comment.
Please let me know what word was detected by Word Restriction?
What is Scheduled Post?
Where can I find information or my post?
I cannot delete a comment on Discussion Board.
How long will my post be published?
I deleted my post, but it's still found in search engines (ex. Google).
I cannot go to next step when I'm making post.
Do you have a copy of my deleted or expired post?
How can I add or reduce item on Personal Buy & Sell?
My posts are still published after deleting my account.
I deleted my post, but it is still displayed.
Error is shown on [Area] page when I'm posting.
I cannot upload image or video.
How can I make post?
I would like to add a YouTube video (or other external media) to my post.
- 关于工作申请
- 其他问题
I got into a trouble with another user.
I would like to place advertisement on Vivinavi.
Is Vivinavi a free or paid service?
Will my access information be kept secret?
Is there Vivinavi app?
Do you have information packet for users?
What is Classified Listing Service (CLS)?
I would like to subscribe Vivinavi's sales and promotion emails (campaign, discounts, etc.). / How to unsubscribe emails from Vivinavi?
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 我们用日语为包括亚特兰大地区在内的佐治亚州各地的人们提供精神・心理治疗、药物处方...
在一个陌生的外国生活绝非易事。许多居住在佐治亚州的日本人面临着各种压力,包括语言和文化障碍、生活方式的差异、与日本家人和朋友的分离、对当地工作场所和学校的不适应,以及日本小社区内人际关系的冲突。据说压力是百病之源,因为高度的压力会在不知不觉中引发各种身心疾病。 你是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、疲倦、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲下降、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、压力...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 它是一个非营利性组织,将全美讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者联系在一起,并为日本社...
FLAT ・ FLAT是一个非营利性组织,总部设在纽约,业务遍及全美,为讲日语的医疗保健专业人员和患者牵线搭桥,并为日本社区提供支持。 随着越来越多的日本人及其照顾者在美国面临复杂的医疗保健和保险问题,随着越来越多的老年人随着年龄的增长而变得孤立无援,我们为他们提供所需的信息和支持。 我们还在网上积极开展活动,并向居住在纽约以外的人开放。 我们致力于通过与健康相关的计划满足您的需求,诚邀...
+1 (772) 349-9459FLAT ・ふらっと
- 日美协会 (JASG ) 是一个 501(c)(3)} 非营利组织,通过文化、习...
佐治亚州日美协会致力于使佐治亚州成为北美最适合日本人居住和旅游的地方,并使佐治亚州成为北美最具国际性的州。 佐治亚州日美协会 ( JASG ) 是一个 501(c)(3)} 非营利组织,其使命是促进日本和佐治亚州之间的文化交流和相互理解。我们与各种国际组织和机构合作,每天努力加深格鲁吉亚对国际文化和国际商务的理解。它在日本人与格鲁吉亚当地人、格鲁吉亚公司与日本公司、在格鲁吉亚的日本家庭与美国日...
+1 (404) 842-1400JASG ジョージア日米協会